My name is James Dadabo, and I'm currently studying computer science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I am also proud to be a 2024 Amazon Future Engineer! As I look toward this summer, I am thrilled to get to work with a team of like-minded student on projects with global impact.
I have been programming as a hobby for almost a decade now. When I first started to code in third grade, I learned basic HTML, CSS, and Javacript. Since then, I've acquired a handful of other languages, and a particular affinity for C++. My portfolio consists of quite a few different projects, but my ocean simulation is my favorite! To learn more about it, as well as my other projects, check out my GitHub!
In short, because I don't have the skills to make quality YouTube videos yet.
When I was in third grade, I made my first YouTube channel. I taught people how to solve Rubik's cubes, and how to code using Processing. The production quality was never very high, and even with other YouTube channels in the future, I never quite attained the quality that I wanted. In the future, I'd like to try again, but I've built this blog to improve my skills, and create quality posts about topics I learn about.